We have seen people talking, discussing debating on this concept of acting called method acting. But out there there are actors who have taken method acting to such a level that would blow you away.
Shia Labeouf

When Shia LaBeouf learned that his Charlie Countryman character had dropped acid during a scene, he decided to depict the act as realistically as possible on the big screen. To prepare, LaBeouf took LSD, filmed his experience, and sent it to co-star Evan Rachel Wood for input. He joined the US National Guard the day after I got my job as a WWII soldier in Fury," LaBeouf told Dazed magazine. He stayed on a forward operating base for a month. After that, he met up with his cast and traveled to Fort Irwin. He yanked his tooth out and knifed his gums. To get a role in Lars Von Tier's Nymphomaniac he sends his own sex tape with his girlfriend to the director to get the role.
2.Adrien Brody

To play Holocaust survivor Wladyslaw Szpilman in The Pianist, Brody lost 30 pounds and learned to play the piano, practicing four hours a day. Many actors would have called it a day after that. Instead, Brody vowed that he wanted to feel as lost as Szpilman did after being thrown out of his life: "I gave up my apartment, sold my car, disconnected the phones, and I leaped." He said in an interview.
3.Daniel Day-Lewis

Day-Lewis committed to living on set for his part in The Crucible, which was a recreation of a colonial village with no electricity or running water. He also designed his own 17th-century home using only the materials that settlers in America would have had at the time. On the set of Martin Scorsese's Gangs of New York, Day-Lewis' commitment to his craft almost cost him his life when he refused to wear a modern-day winter coat and contracted pneumonia.
4. Christian Bale

Bale, who stands six feet tall, famously lost 60 pounds for his role as a serious insomniac in this psychological thriller—and then gained it all back in six weeks for his role in Batman Begins. Bale's Machinist co-star Michael Ironside has implied that if screenwriter Scott Kosar had taken the time to change his script, Bale would not have gone to such extremes.
5. Robert De Niro

While preparing for his appearance in Martin Scorsese's masterpiece, De Niro got his cab driver's license. During his breaks from filming, the Oscar winner worked 12-hour shifts and allegedly picked up passengers all over New York City. This character is considered a deep hard written character because of the depth De Niro brought to the character.