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The Psychology of: Tyrion Lannister

Tyrion Lannister is (personally) one of the best anti-heroes after Walter White (Breaking Bad). He has walked on one of the toughest...

Film Review: Call me by your name

One of the most progressive films of this century, 'call me by your name' is the quintessential modern-day love story. It is dramatic,...

Film Review : Fallen Angels

Direction & Screenplay Wong Kar wai's 1995 Hong Kong drama film Fallen Angels stars Leon Lai, Michelle Reis, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Charlie...

Top 5 Director- Actor Duo

There are certain director-actor pairs that clearly give the feels that the movie is going to be big. These are our top 5 duos to look...

The Psychology of Haider (Haider 2014)

Haider was an adaptation of the famous Shakespeare play Hamlet. Vishal Bhardwaj is someone who for a long time has been adapting all the...

Film Review: Hot Fuzz

The second part of Edgar Wrights's cornetto trilogy is one of that comedy action flicks with brains! an unprecedented storyline and Edgar...

Film Review: Dev.D

Anurag Kashyap is popularly known for films associated with heavy violence and cuss words but only a few people are familiar with his...

Top 5 Biopics To Watch Now

More than 50 biopics are made yearly but there are very few of them that hit the mark of perfection and justification to the real story....

Top 5 movies with extravagant budgets!!

In the world of cinema, cost-cutting is the first lesson that should be taught to directors and producers alike but still, there are some...

Film Review: Interstellar

Cinematic sci-fi masterpiece! These are the only words that resonate in my mind when I think of this movie. Built on a whopping budget of...

Film Review: Boogie Nights

Back then it in the 80s sex was safe, pleasure was a business and business was booming! This Paul Thomas Anderson flick was about a young...

The Psychology of: James Lort (Honey Boy)

I was sold the moment when I came to know the movie was about none other Shia Labeouf himself. And the character portrayed by him is of...

Top Five actresses of the decade!!

A lot of movies usually do not enforce women as their primary lead but it does not mean that women are not great actors. Here are five...

Film Review: The Dark Knight

This movie is literally the most extraordinary superhero film of all time. It was the perfect crossover of noir and superhero lore which...

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