Yes, usually we study the psychology of intricate and detailed characters on our blog but this dude is quite a character himself. Rape, sadism, cannibalism, cheating? There is a thick line between a sexual disorder and personal kinks and yet Armie Hammer has managed to cross it and this news has been blowing up for the past six hours (technically we are late).
A quick summary for all those people living under a rock: Armie Hammer, the esteemed actor, the son of businessman Michael Hammer and the great-grandson of oil tycoon Armand Hammer is getting punched by the media & the internet over leaked chats. These chats are not normal and one example of it can be seen above. These chats include painful bondage, cannibalism, graphic violence, and even RAPE!
As the number of women coming forward with similar kinds of accusations against Armie is increasing by the hour, there is no official comment made by him yet. No one even knows if it's true or not but I have two facts that I would like to present:
Armie's ex-wife who was aware of his "cheating habit" is shocked but still finds these rumors BELIEVABLE!
On a serious note, Armie Hammer had announced his "dream dinner guest" to be "Marques de Sade" an 18th-century philosopher who basically coined the term "Sadism" (inflicting pain on someone for one's own sexual pleasure).
Things are about to get heavy now.
Armie Hammer, as mentioned above, was heavily influenced by the like of Marques de Sade, who was a great writer but his work was quite "unconventional". A believer of "libertine sexuality" (Sexual activity without any constraints), Marques heavily depicted acts of sexual violence, sodomy, and child pornography through his work. THIS IS NOT NORMAL!
Sadism in itself is not a disorder but a sadistic person of a high degree like Armie can be diagnosed as a psychopath OR with an antisocial disorder. This heavy term literally means the "bad boy rebel cool dude" you like in high school may turn out to be antisocial tomorrow (antisocial is a broader term while sadism is quite specific to sexual activity).
the symptoms of sadism include the use of emotional cruelty, purposefully manipulating others through the use of fear, and a preoccupation with violence.
There are two ways in which a person can become sadistic:
Unfavorable experiences during childhood or in the early stages of sexual development.
A sadistic personality can be developed through learning as well.
In conclusion to all of this, the news may or may not be true but people like Armie do exist. Sadism is a real thing. Borderline sadism (50 shades of grey) may not sound dangerous but such things have no limit. What has happened and is happening to all the victims of this fiasco is scary and all we can do to help is spread awareness.