With New Year's Eve right around the corner, here are five must-watch movies to watch on New Year's Eve for those who plan to stay inside.

I. New Year's Eve
This is the most obvious and befitting movie to start with. Some people do not want to go out or cannot go out on New Year’s eve. Those people can pour themselves a steamy cup of hot chocolate, get cozy inside a nice warm blanket, and enjoy this casual flick. As a cinephile, I can say this movie lacks substance but it’s over the top ensemble cast makes up for it. From Halle Berry to Robert De Niro to Seth Meyers and even Ludacris, everyone in this movie is equivocally entertaining. Anyways, a romcom and New year’s eve combo can never go wrong.
Available on Netflix (IN).

II. About Time
If you are spending New Year’s Eve inside with your partner, this movie is literally perfect for you. The concept of going back in time to relive your best moments as a couple and also fixing your “not so best moments” is the theme of the movie. Every couple wishes they had the power to do this but to even see it in a movie in a “practical” setup is another joy in itself. Moreover, the performances by the lead cast, especially, Rachel McAdams have made the movie more organic and the plot easier to digest.
Available on Netflix (IN).

III. Bridget Jones's Diary
This movie literally starts and ends with a New Year. Bridget, who is trying to get her life in order by writing a diary of things she wants to improve in her life. But, her plan (like all new year resolutions) starts to tumble when two men enter her life at the same time and try to win her affection. it is the perfect rom-com to watch because, in my knowledge, this movie helped popularize the idea of New Year resolutions. It’s funny and laidback and includes Renee Zellweger in her prime (although she never lost her prime). Nothing can simply go wrong with this one.
Available on Netflix(IN).

IV. Snowpiercer
For people who are not into romcoms, this action-packed movie will never fail to entertain you. In a dystopian future around 2031, the world has been hit by some catastrophe, and the only survivors are packed into a train that circles the globe. The front compartments are occupied by the “more important” people and the ones in the last compartment are usually people in the lower strata of the class system. Fed up by this bifurcation, one man decides to make the train “classless” by traveling up the compartments to the front of the train. The catch here is that every time the train completes a full circle around the globe, a year is considered to have passed by. Thus, it is a New Year’s eve movie but the type of New Year celebrated in this movie is quite different from the movies mentioned above. It has achieved perfect equilibrium by putting in some classic adrenaline-filled action sequences and by making a critique on how society would always fail to be completely classless and equal. With Chris Evans in the lead and the Korean filmmaking maestro Bong Joon Ho at the helm (who would go on to win four Oscars for his hit film “Parasite” in 2019), this movie is all set to become a “sleeper hit”.
Available on 123moviesfree.net (non-official streaming site)

V. The Godfather 2
This cult classic does not need a review for people to watch it. For cinephiles and lovers of classic dramas, this movie is literally at the top of everyone’s list. The successor of the already super hit movie “The Godfather”, this movie matched or even outdid its predecessor in terms of its quality of storytelling and narration. The “New Year’s kiss of death given by Michael to Fredo” was one of the most important scenes of the movie and would go on to be a fan favorite for years to come. With Al Pacino and Robert De Niro (who won an Oscar for the movie) and Francis Ford Coppolla behind the camera, this movie surely goes down in the top ten movies ever to be made. it also laid the foundation of movies and TV shows like Goodfellas, Casino, Sopranos & Boardwalk Empire.
Available on Netflix(IN).